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Norms for the COPSystem VIA are based on data gathered from 2023 through 2024 from a sample of individuals spanning from 7th graders to college-graduate adults. Our broad national sample includes subjects from the four main geographic regions of the United States (as identified by the 2020 U.S. Census Report).
We are excited to present the largest structural change to the printed CAPS Abilities assessment of the last 20 years: each subtest is now printed on standard paper!
The Needs Assessment Survey for the COPSystem VIA consists of a series of yes/no questions where examinees are asked to self-report by selecting any areas where they feel the need for self-improvement.
Norms for the COPSystem VIA are based on data gathered from 2019 through 2022 for a sample of individuals with education levels spanning from grade seven through college. This national sample was aggregated based on a population of subjects from four geographic regions of the U.S. identified by the 2020 U.S. Census Report.
Each of the eight CAPS ability battery subtests are administered with a strict five-minute time limit. The time limit adds an extra dimension to how the CAPS is interpreted- not only is it an assessment of a test-taker’s abilities in each category, but also a measure of how well a test-taker can process information in a quick and accurate manner.
Norms for the COPSystem VIA are based on data gathered from 2015 through 2018 for a sample of 32,638 sixth through twelfth grade educational levels.
A career guidance assessment program is a valuable way to increase self-awareness and professional competence among students and working adults. The COPSystem consists of the COPS Interest Inventory, the CAPS ability battery, and the COPES work values survey.
During the past year we have all had to adjust the new norm of remote working. One of those big adjustments is how to proctor in a remote testing situation. The online version of the COPSystem VIA can easily be adapted to fit this need. Our recommendation is to use a conferencing application so that you can view the testing process while communicating with your clients.
The COPSystem VIA results are used in a wide variety of settings with many diverse populations such as students in school, college students deciding on majors, adults in transition, vocational rehab clients, and military personnel in transition. The results are an excellent tool to use for all of these populations.
EdITS has adapted the COPSystem career guidance program to be accessible to individuals using a screen reader.
In an effort to provide longitudinal validity data for the COPSystem assessments, the COPS Interest Inventory was used to determine the stability of students’ interests from the eighth to the twelfth grade. The effectiveness of career exploration classes in high school was also examined.
The COPS-P System is a career awareness program consisting of three measures: Professional Interests (COPS-P), abilities (CAPS), and work values (COPES).
Correlations of inventories such as the COPS-P with other similar inventories provides information concerning the construct validity of the assessments. This technique is especially useful when developing and implementing new and/or alternative instruments.
One of the main reason’s companies use aptitude testing is to make better hiring and promotion decisions. Tests are often much better than interviews in predicting whether a person has the potential to do a job well.